Having automobile insurance protects you and others in the case of an accident.
Whether you lease, finance, or own your car, it is mandatory to have car insurance. However, in order to be eligible for car insurance, certain conditions and restrictions apply.
Auto insurance provides coverage if you are found liable for causing injury to someone or damaging property. It also provides medical and rehabilitation aid above the government health insurance plan, as well as any physical damage to your own vehicle.
There are benefits to bundling your auto and property with the same insurer.
Types of car insurance include:
- Liability Coverage – If you injure someone or damage property, payments are made on your behalf.
- Direct Compensation – Damages to your car are covered if you’re not at fault.
- Uninsured Automobile Coverage – Medical costs and damage are covered if an uninsured driver is at fault.
- Accident Benefits Coverage – Regardless of who is at fault, medical and other expenses you are entitled to receive are covered.
- Collision – a coverage that helps pay to repair or replace your car if it’s damaged in an accident with another vehicle or object,
- Comprehensible – pays for damage to your vehicle caused by covered events such as theft, vandalism or hail, which are not collision-related
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